Six new homes

The Green Malata Project

In the area surrounding the Green Malata project, 6 houses have been built through the funding of the Friends for Africa Foundation. The houses were built by local people. Margriet Sacranie supervised the projects. Margriet has over 50 years of experience in Malawi and knows exactly what people need for the long term.

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The residents of the new houses

In one of the houses now lives Tirza, Tirza is an orphan. She has had a hard time as an orphan in Malawi. Tirza did not have a home of her own. Now she has a home and feels responsible for its upkeep. Tirza indicates that for her it is not an end point, but a starting point, a new beginning.

The people who live in the houses are chosen by the chiefs of the villages. Everything is consulted so that there is no jealousy and there is acceptance. The community makes sure that the houses are maintained. Thank you to all donors for making this wonderful project a reality.

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